General Information
The Philippine Consulate General receives and processes applications for ePassports, which in turn is sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila for printing and issuance. Please allow six to eight (6 to 8) weeks processing time from the date of application up to the date of release of the new passport to the applicant.
The Philippine Consulate General advises all Philippine passport holders to renew their passports at least nine (9) months before expiration. Please note that travelers with passports that will expire in less than six (6) months may encounter problems boarding aircrafts and/or entering a country.
All Filipino citizens applying for a passport, regardless of age, are required to appear personally at the Philippine Consulate General as their picture, together with their fingerprints and signature, will be taken on-site.
Reminder from the Department of Foreign Affairs (Manila)
The Philippine Passport is at all times the property of the Republic of the Philippines. It must be surrendered upon demand by an authorized representative of the Philippine Government. Alteration, addition, or destruction of contents is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized change will render a passport invalid and will have accompanying penalties. Using the passport as collateral is against the law and will automatically render the passport cancelled.
The information provided in the passport application form must be true and correct. The documents that will be submitted should be complete and authentic. Under the law, making false statements in the passport application form, furnishing falsified or forged documents in support thereof are punishable by law.
The public is advised to secure their passports prior to booking their flights. Flight bookings should ONLY be made if passports are still valid for at least six (6) months.
Passport Procedure and Requirements

Confirmed passport appointment and personal appearance of the passport applicant are required.
Passport appointments at the Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco can now be obtained through the DFA’s Global Online Appointment System (GOAS).
Click on the link below to enter the DFA Global Online Appointment System:
For queries and assistance on the DFA-GOAS
Call: 415-433-6666
Email: [email protected]
Duly-accomplished Passport Application Form. Entries must be typewritten or printed legibly and entries should be made in the exact format indicated in the form.
Downloadable Forms:
a. Present the original latest Passport and photocopy of the passport data page.
b. If the applicant’s latest passport is not an ePassport (ex. Brown, Green, Maroon, Older passports) and the details of the applicant are not complete – present an original and photocopy of the Birth Certificate (BC)/Report of Birth (ROB), Marriage Certificate (MC)/Report of Marriage (ROM) issued by issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) formerly National Statistics Office (NSO). Additional document/s may be requested if the BC/MC presented is unreadable.
c. In case of Lost Passport (VALID/EXPIRED or FREQUENTLY LOST):
- Notarized Affidavit of Loss (original and photocopy) – providing details of the lost passport and circumstances leading to its loss
- Police Report (original and photocopy)
- PSA–Birth Certificate/PSA–Marriage Certificate (original and photocopy)
- Photocopy of the lost passport, if available
- Applicants with Lost Passports will be treated as a First-Time Applicant.
A 15-day waiting period, on top of the four to six (6-8) weeks processing period, will be imposed if the lost passport is still valid (unexpired) and if the passport was not issued by the Philippine Consulate General where the applicant is applying for replacement.
d. In case applicant has an Unclaimed Passport:
Applicant may request for a Certificate of Unclaimed Passport either at the office where the unclaimed passport was issued, nearest consular office, or at DFA Aseana. Applicants with unclaimed passports will be treated as a New Applicant.
e. In case passport has been MUTILATED or DAMAGED:
- Notarized Affidavit of Explanation (original)
- PSA–Birth Certificate/ PSA–Marriage Certificate (original and photocopy)
- Photocopy of the mutilated/damaged passport
f. In case the applicant is applying for a Philippine passport for the first-time, present the original and photocopy of the following:
- PSA Birth Certificate or Original Report of Birth
- Valid ID
Present the original and photocopy of one of the following:
- Valid Resident Alien Card/ Permanent Resident Card;
- If the applicant is a DUAL Citizen – present the original and photocopy of dual citizenship documents (Identification Certificate, Oath of Allegiance, Order of Approval); or Report of Birth
- Copy of Valid U.S. Visa (if tourist, leisure, or business purpose).
Additional documentation may be required based on the documents presented and special circumstances of the applicant.
A. The following supporting documents will be required for the following cases:
1. For married females (who will use the last name of her husband):
Original and photocopy of the Marriage Certificate (MC)/ Report of Marriage (ROM) issued by the issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) formerly National Statistics Office (NSO). Additional document/s may be requested if the MC/ROM presented is unreadable.
NOTE: If woman chooses to retain her maiden name in her passport, a Marriage Certificate is not required. Married female applicants can also revert to their maiden name once every subsisting marriage by submitting a notarized affidavit and her PSA birth and marriage certificates.
Civil Registry Services provided by the Philippine Statistics Authority: Certified copies of Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates, and Certificate of No Marriage Record (CENOMAR), may be requested at PSA Serbilis (
2. In case applicant is a DUAL Citizen:
a. Original and photocopy of PSA Authenticated Birth Certificate/Report of Birth OR Identification Certificate issued by the Philippine Foreign Service Post (FSP) or the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
b. Original and photocopy of the foreign passport
c. Original and photocopy of government-issued IDs – from the Philippines or from country of second citizenship
3. In case applicant is a Naturalized Citizen:
Original and photocopy of Identification Certificate of Naturalization from the Bureau of Immigration
4. In case applicant is a Filipino Citizen by Election:
a. Original and photocopy of Affidavit of Election of Philippine Citizenship
b. Original and photocopy of Identification Certificate of Election from BI
5. In case applicant will change his/her Name – present the original PSA authenticated documents that will support the change of name:
- Marriage Certificate/ Report of Marriage
- Annotated Birth Certificate
- Annotated Marriage Contract to show annulment/divorce/court ordered instruction
- Marriage and Death Certificate of Spouse
- If annotated MC or ROM from PSA is not yet available, submit a Certified True Copy of the Court Order dissolving the marriage and a Certificate of Finality from the Court
- If due to adoption – present the original and photocopy of the following:
a. Birth Certificate before adoption
b. Birth Certificate after adoption
c. Court Decision or Order on Adoption and Certificate of Finality
- Child’s PSA Birth Certificate
- Marriage Certificate of Parents (if legitimate).
- Valid passport of both parents
- If the child is illegitimate and is accompanied by the father, an Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the mother must be presented.
B. Things to Remember:
1. The name on the Philippine passport will be based on the applicant’s Philippine Certificate of Live Birth/Report of Birth. In some cases, the rules and regulations of the Philippine Statistics Authority, on the registration of birth of legitimate/illegitimate children shall be followed.
2. An illegitimate child whose filiation is not recognized by the father bears ONLY a given name and his/hers mother’s surname, and DOES NOT have a middle name.
All fees are non-refundable. Fees should be paid onsite and made in cash, credit card/debit card (with a convenience fee) or payable to the “Philippine Consulate General” in Money Order, Bank Draft, Certified Check or Cashier’s Check.
- New/ Renewal of Passport … $ 60.00
- Lost ePassport … $ 150.00
- Lost Passport (Brown, Green, older Passports) … $ 90.00
- Certification … $ 25.00
Personal checks are not accepted.
Please provide a (1) Self-Addressed Stamped Return Envelope with appropriate stamps and tracking number (USPS Express or Priority Mail) or (2) Self-Addressed Prepaid Mailing Envelope from courier of choice (do NOT use FEDEX) labeled with the recipient’s address. As a reminder, please do not put the name of the Philippine Consulate as the sender, should the Shipping Label be “to Bill the Sender”. Please note of the USPS Price Change effective January 19, 2025: Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope: $10.10. Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Envelope: $31.40.
Note: The Philippine Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted, and may track their envelopes at the website of their chosen courier.
The applicant may (1) surrender OR (2) mail to the Philippine Consulate his/her valid passport before the Consulate can release and mail the new passport to the recipient’s address. The valid passport must be cancelled first before the new passport can be released. Both old and new passports will be mailed back to the applicant. If the latest passport being renewed is already expired, it will be returned to the applicant during the passport application process.
- Passport photo shall be taken onsite. There is no need to bring a photo.
- Theatrical make-up, eyelash extensions, and earrings are not allowed during photo capturing.
- Accessories such as stud earrings/ornaments (e.g. eyebrow, cheek, nose, or lip piercing) may be accepted, however, those that may obscure the face and generate shadow are strictly prohibited. Necklaces may be worn as long as it does not cause light reflection and/or obstruct facial features. Otherwise, applicants shall be requested to remove the jewelry.
- Head coverings which cannot be removed for religious, medical, or cultural reasons may be worn during photo capturing as long as the region of the face is clearly visible. Ears may or may not be visible. Head coverings shall be form fitting and of a plain uniform color. It should visibly contrast with light blue (background color for passport photo). Those with patterns or visible perforations between hair lines such as the Taqiyah are not allowed.
- Applicants are advised to avoid sleeveless tops and camisoles, and are encouraged to wear collared tops, blouses, or tops with higher necklines. The colors should clearly contrast with light blue (background color for passport photo).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Philippine Passport
Only a Filipino citizen is eligible to acquire a Philippine passport.
Set an appointment. Appear on the actual date of appointment and bring the complete set of requirements appropriate to your application.
You may download the passport application form from this link.
You should expect your passport to be released 4-8 weeks after being accommodated for processing.
In accordance with Department Order No. 010-2017 or the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 10928 (2017), the Philippine passport has a ten-year validity period, for those issued to Filipinos 18 years or older. Filipinos under 18 years will still be issued five-year valid passports.
If your passport details has any discrepancy, you are required to report such inconsistency to the DFA capturing site where you originally filed your application for appropriate action.
No. Your passport must be at least six-months valid for you to be able to travel abroad.
In case of lost or stolen valid passport, you may file and report your lost valid passport application at the Consular Office of your choice. You will be required to submit a Police Report (in English) and an Affidavit of Loss. There will be a 15-day clearing period prior to the processing of application for the replacement of a lost valid passport.
In case of lost expired passport, you will be required to submit Affidavit of Loss and Police Report. Your application will be considered as first-time passport application.
In case of mutilated or damaged passports, you are required to submit Affidavit of Mutilation along with your passport application requirements.
No. The Philippine passport has a standard booklet containing forty-four (44) pages. Should the passport run out of pages, you may opt to renew your passport.
The Department will cancel your passport if you do not claim it within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the application date.
Yes. You may request for a Certificate of Unclaimed Passport from Consulate or the concerned Consular Office, and submit this certification together with your application.
Yes, provided that you have not yet used your married name in any previous Philippine passport. However, you may be required to submit a PSA Marriage Certificate or Report of Marriage (ROM) if you are updating your marital status from “single” to “married”.
You may revert to your maiden name once every subsisting marriage. You will need to submit a notarized affidavit, and PSA-issued birth and marriage certificates.