Consul General Neil Ferrer, Madame Miriam Ferrer, Consul Vanessa Bago-Llona, and Trade Commissioner Celynne Layug meet with Galanter and Jones owners Aaron Jones (standing leftmost), Miranda Jones (standing in the middle) and Robert Edward Etlin (standing rightmost), at Galanter and Jones Showroom in San Francisco. (San Francisco PCG photo)
SAN FRANCISCO, USA – Philippine Consul General in San Francisco Neil Ferrer met with the owners of innovative outdoor furniture maker Galanter and Jones and toured their showroom and facility in the city.
Galanter and Jones is a San Francisco-based furniture design and fabrication studio that has a manufacturing facility in Dumaguete City in Negros Oriental, Philippines.
Consul General Ferrer extended his appreciation to Galanter and Jones for the insightful visit. “We commend Galanter and Jones for their operations in the Philippines and the company’s commitment to quality, innovation, and socially responsible practices. We look forward to continued collaboration in promoting Philippine craftsmanship on the global market,” he said.
Madame Miriam Ferrer, Consul Vanessa Bago-Llona, Commissioner May Celynne Layug of the Philippine Trade and Investment Center (PTIC) in Silicon Valley, and Administrative Officer Genevieve Ferrer of the Philippine Center Management Board joined the facility tour, along with Consulate Economic Assistant Jennifer Sto. Domingo, and PTIC Trade Specialists Rosalie Say and Mylene Juan.
Founded by siblings Aaron and Miranda Jones in 2012, Galanter and Jones is known for its innovative approach to outdoor seating, particularly its pioneering line of heated outdoor furniture. Its commitment to quality and sustainability has earned the company accolades, with features in various publications like the New York Times and Architectural Digest. Notable awards include the Best Outdoor Award at Dwell on Design in 2015 and the Furniture Innovation Award at San Francisco Design Week in 2018.
In 2019, Galanter and Jones expanded its operations to Southeast Asia by establishing Galanter and Jones Southeast Asia in Dumaguete City. The owners aim to maintain their high standards of production while also creating opportunities for their employees and families to achieve economic stability and prosper.
Catering to a diverse clientele, Galanter and Jones serves individual homeowners, interior designers, landscape architects, and restaurateurs, among others. END

Mr. Robert Edward Ettlin (sitting down) and Ms. Miranda Jones (standing rightmost), showcasing the world-class craftsmanship of the heated furniture manufactured in their Dumaguete facility (San Francisco PCG photo)

Mr. Aaron Galanter of Galanter and Jones provide a site tour for Philippine Consulate General officials on 6 February 2024. (San Francisco PCG photo)