PH Consulate in San Francisco Holds Consular Outreach in Sacramento Area, Delivers 547 Services


ELK GROVE, CALIFORNIA, USA – The Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco organized a consular outreach at Saint Joseph Parish in Elk Grove, California on 29 June 2024.

Led by Consuls Jed Martin Llona and Vanessa Bago-Llona, the consular outreach in Elk Grove afforded Filipinos and Filipino Americans passport, dual citizenship, and overseas voting registration services without having to travel to San Francisco.

A total of 547 services were provided, including 155 passport applications, 179 dual citizenship petitions, and 204 overseas voting registrations.  The outputs for dual citizenship and overseas voting registration were the highest daily totals ever recorded by the Consulate at an outreach.

During the outreach, Assistant District Director Patricia Canites from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (DOL-WHD) also attended the outreach.

During the dual citizenship oath-taking ceremonies, Assistant District Director Canites provided information on DOL-WHD’s services and employment-related laws and policies that aim to promote compliance with U.S. labor standards and protect workers’ rights. The DOL-WHD also set up a table where outreach applicants inquired about specific concerns.

In addition, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) California Chapter provided a free legal aid clinic, during which nine clients availed of consultation.

During the dual citizenship oath-taking ceremonies, Attorneys Venus Ursos and Vicente Osorio provided an overview of the legal topics that they cover. The IBP also mentioned its cooperation with the Consulate, especially its free legal aid at the Consulate every first Friday of the month.

The outreach was held with the support of the Saint Joseph Parish Church, led by its Pastor Reverend Father Julito Orpilla, the Knights of Rizal Sacramento Landmark Chapter, and the Pray and Play Basketball Group. The consular outreach in Elk Grove is the sixth mission spearheaded by the Consulate in 2024. Filipinos residing under the Consulate’s jurisdiction may visit for details on succeeding outreach missions.  END

Dual citizens applicants take their Oath of Allegiance before Consul Vanessa Bago-Llona during the Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco’s consular outreach in Elk Grove, California on 29 June 2024. (San Francisco PCG photo)

Dual Citizenship applicants are processed at the Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco’s consular outreach in Elk Grove, California on 29 June 2024. (San Francisco PCG photo)

Passport applicants are processed at the Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco’s consular outreach in Elk Grove, California on 29 June 2024. (San Francisco PCG photo)

An overseas voting registrant is processed at the Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco’s consular outreach in Elk Grove, California on 29 June 2024. (San Francisco PCG photo)

Attorney Vicente Osorio provided a briefing on the work of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines California Chapter and its cooperation with the Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco. (San Francisco PCG photo)

Assistant District Director Patricia Canites from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division provided a briefing on employment matters to clients. (San Francisco PCG photo)

The Elk Grove, California consular outreach team of the Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco. (San Francisco PCG photo)

The Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco’s consular outreach team with the volunteers from the Knights of Rizal Sacramento Landmark Chapter, and the Pray and Play Basketball Group based in Elk Grove, California. (San Francisco PCG photo)

Consul Vanessa Bago-Llona and Consul Jed Martin Llona with Reverend Father Julito Orpilla of Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Elk Grove, California (center). (San Francisco PCG photo)

Consul Jed Martin Llona and Consul Vanessa Bago-Llona with Patricia Canites, Assistant District Director from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (center), (San Francisco PCG photo)

Consul Jed Martin Llona (leftmost) and Consul Vanessa Bago-Llona (rightmost) with Attorney Vicente Osorio (2nd from left) and Attorney Venus Ursos (2nd from right) from the Integrated Bar of the Philippines California Chapter. (San Francisco PCG photo)